
theater bielefeld

die durstigen
von Wajdi Mouawad, deutsch von Uli Menke

Regie: Babett Grube
Ausstattung: Anna Sörensen
Dramaturgie: Franziska Betz
Mit: Georg Böhm, Barbara Hirt, Christa Ahrnke, Kartsen Ahrnke
Rechte: Verlag der Autoren
Alter: ab 15 Jahren
Dauer: ca. 65 Minuten

Termin: 17. Mai 2014, 20.30 Uhr
Spielort: Casa

The court anthropologist Boon has a very mysterious case on his autopsy table: A boy and a girl with their arms tightly around each other. Boon recognises the female corpse to be the rebellious friend of his youth who disappeared under unexplained circumstances 15 years ago. But who was the boy at her side? Boon begins to investigate and discovers that his own life is linked more closely to this case than he prefers.