

von Wolfgang Herrndorf, Bühnenfassung von Robert Koall

Regie: Frank Hörner
Musikalische Ltg.: Sebastian Meier
Ausstattung: Sandra Linde
Dramaturgie: Gabriele Kloke
Projektionen: Ulrike Oeter
Mit: Nils Beckmann, Till Beckmann, Neven Nöthig, Julia Rehn
Rechte: rowohlt Theaterverlag
Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Dauer: ca. 80 Minuten

Termin: 16. Mai 2014, 20 Uhr
Spielort: Grillo-Theater

The first day of the summer holidays. 14-year-old Maik?s mother is busy with her annual alcohol withdrawal, his father is on a business trip with his mistress and all of Maiks class are invited to Tatjana?s party ? all, except of him. And Maik is home alone, in a superb Villa with a pool and 200 Euros pocket money. All of a sudden, Tschick shows up with a stolen Lada: A russian chav from the high-rise estate, often drunk, maybe belonging to the Russian Mafia. And then, the two cranks set off ...